New York Film Academy Acting Student


My name is Ndaka Chigariro. I was enrolled at New York Film Academy by Jack Newman, who made my application process very smooth. I’ve enjoyed my time at New York Film Academy LA largely because I had an enthusiastic team of instructors, who never gave up on me when I was running low on hope of harnessing the necessary tools to enable me to be an actor. With what I’ve learn, I can certifiably say that I’ve grown as a budding actor. The Meisner classes were key in understanding my role as an actor. I now see where I’ve been wrong in the work I’ve done in the past. Without Meisner, the other classes would have been useless for me, I’d say.

I intend to pursue acting as a career, and hope to produce stories. I’d also like to write and hopefully direct films in the future. For now, I’ll focus on acting and screenwriting. I’ve just inquired about the screenwriting course at New York Film Academy and hope to enroll next year.

Overall, I have to say I’m excited to have had the opportunity to attend New York Film Academy and learn the amount of skills I’ve acquire. I look forward to joining the working world next year.

Ndaka Chigariro

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