New York Film Academy Summer Camp Student

Thank you for the incredible opportunity to attend your High School
Summer Program in New York City last week. It was a truly inspirational
and life-changing experience that only increased my love and passion
for the art of acting. Good luck to all of your teachers, students, and TA’s this week, and for the rest of the Summer. I hope at least one of your future students will feel the same impact that I felt after only a week under the influence and guidance of New York Film Academy and its instructors.

Best Regards,

Kellie Mardula

New York Film Academy Disney Orlando Student

First, let me commend you on your choice of professionals you have sent to lead this large New York Film Academy group here at Disney.  Everyone from Michael to Alex to Gina to Shawn to Cindy is obviously a carefully chosen professional who excels in his/her area of expertise.  Their commitment, knowledge, ability to teach, organize, and remain pleasant and cooperative at all times is “spot on.”

The confidence and organization of the New York Film Academy Orlando Team allows me, as the parent, to NOT worry or question my decision to send Lana here at the age of 13.  She is in good hands and I know it.  The security and tight ship your people run is imperative in this situation and they have it totally under control.

Next, let me tell you what a memorable experience Lana is having here at New York Film Academy Orlando.  She is loving every second of class and is already upset about only having one week left.  The amount of material you have covered is voluminous, however, she is absorbing an amazing amount of it.  We homeschool Lana and her sister – and trust me when I tell you, there is NO WAY I could get them up at 4:30 am AND have them happy about it!  Well done.

Now that I see the caliber of professional you must entice to make this commitment, I understand why the course is priced where it is.  I now feel I have not “sent Lana to a course,” but rather, I have made an investment in her future.

I thank each of you for your commitment to excellence and will recommend this program without reservation to colleagues and friends.

Best Regards and many thanks,

Anne Winjum (Lana’s mother)

New York Film Academy 2 Year Acting Student

I am currently attending the two year acting for film program and I will finish my first year on the 16th of June. I’m spending my second year at the Universal Studios campus to get my AFA degree.

From the start, my admissions counselor was very helpful and supportive through each step of my journey to New York and is still currently helping me with my transfer to LA. When in doubt, I know she is always there to consult and guide me.

I love a lot about New York Film Academy, but Acting for Film is my favorite class because we get to see the teacher direct a scene from an objective point of view and also practice our skills in front of the camera. It gives a real feel of what a set would be like and it helps us mentally and physically prepare for what that’s actually like. Most of our teachers are working professionals, which really gives an edge to the training because you know it’s coming from reality.

My Meisner teacher was my favorite instructor. He was taught by the master teacher (Meisner himself) and has carried on his teaching legacy for the last 25 years. He does not give up on us when we fail to understand how the technique should be used and therefore will repeatedly force us to keep going until we decipher the concept.

The atmosphere at New York Film Academy is like this – there are always going to be people there that support you, help you, not give up on you, but they’ll never coddle you or hand you anything. Like my admissions counselor always said, “We’re not going to prepare you for a business that doesn’t exist.”

My advice for anyone coming into New York Film Academy to study is the same advice I have been given by every teacher so far: be professional in everything you do. It starts on your first day, and should definitely not end when you graduate.

-Rajvi Lodhia